Bedpost Botany, Auckland - Beds, Mattresses and Furniture Shop - Bedpost Skip to content

Botany @ the Hub - Auckland

451 Ti Rakau Dr Botany 2013

Who we are

Bedpost Botany has held a prime position in The Hub since 2002. We sell quality beds, mattresses, frames, and bedroom furniture. Our customers tell us that they love our personal and knowledgeable service. We focus on providing choice, as everyone has unique bed requirements. Our sleep specialists have years of experience and will help you “sleep test” our beds to find the perfect level of comfort—something to suit your needs, style, and budget.

We welcome you to visit and experience Botany Bedpost. Just take the Te Koha Road turnoff from Ti Rakau Drive, and it's the first right off the first roundabout. With free parking right outside, you can take your time and use our expertise to ensure your best sleep solution.

Opening hours

Mon-Sat 9am-5:30pm
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